Speaking of movies. A few days ago I saw a story on the news about the
99W Drive In. Someone had hit the sign and had done some major damage. That wasn't the important part though. This year is the last year that movies will be produced on 35mm film. That means that all theaters must convert to digital projectors, or shut down. If you haven't been to the Drive In in years and have always talked about going again, this will be the year! The digital projector costs $80,000 plus equipment and upgrades. Will the Drive In last? I hope it will, but I plan on enjoying it this summer while it lasts.
We should make a group meet date and go together! It's so much fun! They are playing "Creature from the Black Lagoon" on May 17, 18, and 19!
The 99w Drive In is located in Newberg, Oregon, along Highway 99W. It takes about 35 minutes from our house to get there. It's $8 for adults.
The Drive In was SAVED!!!! They won a new projector from Honda!